Friday 16 January 2015

Space invasion

This week has mostly been about me sharing my 'space' with my daughter as she worked day and night to complete her latest college assignment which was to pattern and create a theatre costume for an 1890's shopkeepers wife. There was no escape. It was messy. Like that kind of maniac, craziness that only comes when you are faced with a deadline and feel like you have no time to even breathe, in fact I had to remember to breathe, never mind her!  We also made the discovery that we both like very different environments to be creative in, Robyn likes constant radio background noise, lots and lots of mess and well..... I don't.  Yep it was a very interesting week and there wasn't much crochet done on my part. 

Here is Robyn in the thick of it but things are starting to take shape and just in case you were wondering - she is never, ever sewing another scallop again, EVER! That's what she said..... 

Ta Dah!!! Fast forward two days... Here I am modelling the final garment, crazily impressed! Still never going to sew scallops again Robyn?? 

I absolutely love what she has created although I have no idea how the women of that era coped with such restrictive clothing - give me comfort any day! I'm sure her tutor will love it too but she'll have to wait until assessment day. Robyn has achieved loads this week and learnt loads too. I'm not so sure I have managed quite the same but I have learnt that next time I'm moving out for a few days for both our sakes! 

I love going to the theatre and actually can't wait until the next time I do so that I can be extra thankful for all the people that help bring all the characters to life - in case any of you are reading this, and including Robyn of course - you are AMAZING!! Thank you, you fabulous creative people!! 

Charlene x

Friday 9 January 2015

Happy New Year!


Already it is the 9th of January and probably feels a little late with the Happy New Year title but I just really like the photo! And wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2015 be filled with an abundance of love, peace and happiness! 

When I was thinking what I would like more of in the year 2015, one of the things that came up was to be more proactive here, in this blog. Although it felt like a miracle to just get started last year, the frequency of posts was a tad, shall we say, infrequent?!  The reason being I think is that I never quite felt like I had anything important to write. So whilst I was pondering this, the quote 'sing like nobody's listening, dance like nobody's watching' popped into my head and I had a little aha! moment when I found myself thinking 'blog like nobody's reading' and really there's a pretty good chance that nobody actually is anyway.... So my mantra for my blog life this year is just that, blog like nobody's reading!  Well I may not share EVERYTHING but you know what I mean.  And given that my challenge is to blog weekly, I apologise now for any drivel you may endure (not that anybody is actually reading of course!) This year I'm also going to take on the following too - 

give like nobody's judging
receive like nobody's counting
sketch like nobody's looking

If you could change the above quote what would yours say for 2015? I'd love for you to share it

Much love for the year ahead and if you do happen to read this, thank you

Charlene x