So what's spurned on this spontaneous blog. Well If you are over on facebook then you may have noticed I started a 100 days daily doodle challenge, if not, well you know now. Anyway it is actually todays doodle that has brought about this post. I wanted to explain a little about the rose tinted glasses that we like to wear (otherwise love/heart spotting) because that is the theme for the doodle.
I'm not quite sure when I began to notice hearts, although I'm sure if I thought about it really hard and for long enough I would remember. What I am sure about is that it is not new and no doubt came from someone or something that inspired me, and if it was you then thank you.
I'm not quite sure when I began to notice hearts, although I'm sure if I thought about it really hard and for long enough I would remember. What I am sure about is that it is not new and no doubt came from someone or something that inspired me, and if it was you then thank you.
I do remember in the beginning consciously looking for hearts, through a need to be reminded that love was there, all the time, even in the times that it felt like it couldn't possibly be there, it was there, just waiting. Seeing heart shapes would remind me of that. So for me I guess seeing a heart shape is like someone (love?) saying to me 'hey lovely, we're here'. That's how I see them. Now what's really cool is that my eyes just fall upon them, no more consciously looking, they're in the cereal bowl, spilt water, a puddle, a leaf, a stone, even a piece of loo roll, or rotting piece of rubbish! Their beauty and their message can be found everywhere. And not just the good lovey dovey times either. Yes at times when I'm freaking out or losing my temper with the kids (and myself with it) I'll spin around in a blind panic or rage and there on the kitchen floor is a piece of heart shaped cabbage from the night before - Bam - it catches my eye, stops me in my tracks and gives me a bit of a reset, and then I can choose, I can continue to shout and feel rubbish or I can take a deep breath and choose another way.
What is even cooler is that my family have just naturally picked up on this habit too, and they love pointing them out so I get the pleasure of seeing the love through their eyes as well. And cooler still, at times it is a kickstarter for conversations about kindness, love and all that jazz - which is great - especially in a society that can lean towards moaning and negativity and fear that if we don't worry then we really will end up with something to worry about! And it's actually quite good fun. Seriously, sometimes when one of us spots a heart its like the equivalent of stumbling across the bottom of a rainbow and having a chat with a unicorn whilst counting the gold - or just being really excited you know.
So........ it figures that I would love doodling heart shapes and crocheting hearts and filling my home with hearts too.
So this morning whilst Luca was counting all the hearts in todays doodle I thought it might be fun to share an unpainted version in case someone out there fancied a little heart spotting, hopefully (fingers crossed) you'll be able to click on it, save it and print it if you like (if it doesn't work then be sure to let me know and we'll figure it out). You or any kiddies in your care can count the hearts, draw in more heart or colour them in. If you do please share, I'd love to see!
Much love,
Charlene x
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