Wednesday 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

As the year 2014 is drawing to a close I have decided that instead of getting 'rid o auld years dirt' and running around like a headless chicken, I'm taking a much more gentle approach (or lazy depending how you look at it) and I am having a wee bit time to myself to reflect back on the year - it has been a belter and probably one of the most transformative yet! But before I get all gushy here is a snapshot of some of the wonderful things I had such joy in creating; 

Love! And lots of it! 

Hearts - teeny wee and lots of them!

Monsters - the cutest & friendliest!

And the wonderful elephants

Rainbows - lots of them and I discovered that I couldn't be sad and work with these colours at the same time - they lifted me EACH AND EVERY TIME!

Pretty hanging things - sweet and delicate

Playtime - just about anytime really

And... ahem... more playtime...

So here's the reflective and gushy bit but oh so real bit straight from the heart! It has been such a fun year filled with crochet that was so unexpected and just like really???!!! I'm still pinching myself when I think how much has changed not even this last year but maybe only 7 or 8 months! I cannot believe the wonderful people I have met, the stories we all have and the community that spreads far greater than just outside our own front doors. There is so much GOOD and LOVE out there! I have so many new friendships and yes they are friendships even across the miles without having ever met face to face - believe me! And the support I have felt from those already friends that have accepted and encouraged me to be me, I can't really truly put in to words how much gratitude and love I have for you. You've all had a part in the creating of the above. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The year is almost gone and I don't know what 2015 will bring but I know I'm heading in to it with a heart opened wider than it has been for some time and my wish is that you all are too. See you next year xxx

Much love
Charlene x

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