Monday 1 September 2014

Random acts of AWESOMENESS yeh!

Ok so I'm sure you can tell I'm super excited just by the title! Yeh?

Some of you may be aware if you've followed my posts about my Random Acts of Crochet Kindness mission and although all appears quiet, I can assure you the wheel is turning and I'm super inspired after a recent 'coincidence' 

My daughter Robyn recently went to a music festival in Leeds armed with tent, sleeping bag and maybe a little alcohol (ahem...) and of course some LOVE bracelets!  

So here's what happened - she was compelled to give the first bracelet to a lovely girl she had only just met (all the way from Australia) called Bronte - no specific reason - all random - or is it??! 
So here's how it went;

Robyn 'em can I give you a present'
Bronte 'eh ok'
-Robyn gives bracelet to Bronte-
Bronte 'no way, NO WAY'
Robyn 'mm....' feeling wee bit confused
Bronte 'NO WAY!'
Robyn 'eh... yes way...' puzzled

So Robyn is now thinking oh this is not quite the reaction I was expecting, until, UNTIL the lovely Bronte only goes and explains that her mum and her friend (in Australia - yes I do get a bit excited about other parts of the world)  also make bracelets to share and spread love and light! Yeeha! So off Bronte goes to her tent and gives Robyn a beautiful set of beads for her wrist made from love to wear with love - happy days! Not only are Bronte and Robyn amazed and raised by this 'synchronicity' but now I have also connected with Brontes mum and friend too and they have now set up an fb page Random Acts of Beaded Kindness (go check it out and say hi) and the birds sang and the world lit up and there was laughter everywhere - ok I made that last part up - but - that's how it felt ;)

So here's some photos of the young festival going peace warriors who I'm sure will remember the exchange for a long long time and that's what it's all about - spreading the love, encouraging a smile and believing in the magic <3
Thank you to Robyn and Bronte for your photos and experience - you're both superstars!  I'm filled with gratitude <3

I recently came across a quote posted by Suitable Gifts that said 'Kindness is difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back' how very true...

Charlene x

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