Wednesday 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

As the year 2014 is drawing to a close I have decided that instead of getting 'rid o auld years dirt' and running around like a headless chicken, I'm taking a much more gentle approach (or lazy depending how you look at it) and I am having a wee bit time to myself to reflect back on the year - it has been a belter and probably one of the most transformative yet! But before I get all gushy here is a snapshot of some of the wonderful things I had such joy in creating; 

Love! And lots of it! 

Hearts - teeny wee and lots of them!

Monsters - the cutest & friendliest!

And the wonderful elephants

Rainbows - lots of them and I discovered that I couldn't be sad and work with these colours at the same time - they lifted me EACH AND EVERY TIME!

Pretty hanging things - sweet and delicate

Playtime - just about anytime really

And... ahem... more playtime...

So here's the reflective and gushy bit but oh so real bit straight from the heart! It has been such a fun year filled with crochet that was so unexpected and just like really???!!! I'm still pinching myself when I think how much has changed not even this last year but maybe only 7 or 8 months! I cannot believe the wonderful people I have met, the stories we all have and the community that spreads far greater than just outside our own front doors. There is so much GOOD and LOVE out there! I have so many new friendships and yes they are friendships even across the miles without having ever met face to face - believe me! And the support I have felt from those already friends that have accepted and encouraged me to be me, I can't really truly put in to words how much gratitude and love I have for you. You've all had a part in the creating of the above. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The year is almost gone and I don't know what 2015 will bring but I know I'm heading in to it with a heart opened wider than it has been for some time and my wish is that you all are too. See you next year xxx

Much love
Charlene x

Sunday 14 December 2014

The Christmas Stocking

So one of my most favourite things about Christmas is setting the table. I love to play about with ideas in my head for the weeks leading up to Christmas although mostly it's just a re-juggle of things that I have used in the past with a few slight changes and twists. It's so satisfying to put the effort, energy and love into creating a welcoming table that is a feast for the eyes. 

This year I have chosen some cotton yarn to co-ordinate with what I already have and made some name place mini Christmas stockings (mouthful I know but what else could I call them really?) 

I plan to stuff each persons stocking with a mint and a teeny little written note with 3 things that is special about them - not done that part yet but I know it's going to be just as much fun! The stockings can then be taken home and hung on the tree to be used year after year. 

As well as being useful for the table they can just be made to hang on a twiggy tree, Christmas tree or garland like the rainbow one below

If you'd like to make your own mini stockings here is how I made mine;

I used Rico essentials cotton DK in Hay and Natural with 3.5mm hook for the one shown in sample below. 

Other than where stated, crochet in a continuos spiral (amigurumi). Terms used are UK terms 

Begin with a magic ring or 'sloppy slip knot'
Chain 2
Round 1: in 2nd chain from hook double crochet (dc) x 5
Round 2: dc twice in each stitch (10)
Round 3: dc twice in each stitch (20) 
Should look like photo below

Round 4-10: dc in each stitch (7 rounds)

We are now going to work back and forth to create the heal part of stocking 
Round 11: dc in next 10 stitches, turn
Round 12-15: chain 1 (does not count as stitch, dc into stitch at bottom of chain, dc in next 9 stitches (4 rows)
It should now look like this;

Fasten off and flatten work placing two edges together of the rows just worked like photo below and use yarn tail to sew outer edge of heal together

Round 16: Now we return to working in continuos rounds. Rejoin yarn at edge of one side of heal and evenly work 5 dc along. Continue to work dc into next 10 stitches from round 10 and then 5 dc evenly into other side of heal. You should now have a round of 20 dc's 

Round 17-29: dc in each stitch (13 rounds)
Round 30: chain 15, slip stitch into dc at bottom of chain and fasten off to create hanging loop. 

Now to make the top part of the stocking join contrasting yarn in stitch next to hanging loop

Round 31: chain 3 (counts as first treble), treble (tr) in next stitch and each stitch around, slip stitch into 3rd chain at beginning of round
Round 32-33:  chain 3, tr in each stitch around, slip stitch in 3rd chain from beginning 3 chain, fasten off and weave in end

Fold down the top of the stocking and decorate with whatever you like, buttons, bows, embroidery. 

Woohoo! A mini Christmas stocking is born!!! 

For the name tag I cut out a small gift tag shape from some thin brown card and added the name and some twine. 

And there you have it!! A place name mini Christmas stocking ta-Dah 

I hope you like them and give them a try and if you do I'd absolutely love to hear about it. 

Merry Christmas 
Love from
Charlene xx

Saturday 22 November 2014

LOVE bracelet tutorial

The following has been copied from a note on Facebook that I posted some time ago and it most probably could be improved but until such time I've decided to post it here for anyone wishing to make themselves a bracelet with a loving intention. Or indeed make some to giveaway as acts of kindness, if you do then please stop by and tell us all about it!! 

Please be kind and don't copy or sell the patterns/bracelets. If sharing then please link back here. This is for personal use only. So here it is with love and gratitude...

Love & Kindness Bracelet

So here's some details of how you can begin to create your own LOVE bracelet.  When I came up with this idea initially it was purely just for me, I wanted something I could wear around my wrist as a reminder to be kind and more loving and forgiving to myself.  With this in mind the bracelet was very much tailored to what I would like to wear so I totally invite you to change and tweak as you please!  You may prefer to use a stud fastener for example, or add on a few extra rows, use a different type of yarn.  You may prefer to have the label with a different word, or centred instead of to the side.

I also have never written something for someone else, it is always just scribbles in a notebook that even I sometimes can't work out what they mean when I return to them later so apologies in advance if things aren't that clear.

For the labels I used 5mm cotton tape, the type you can buy in lengths which i just cut to size and I hand wrote the word LOVE using dylon fabric paint.  You could also stamp the letters on if you have those lovely little alphabet stamps, or maybe embroidery even. 


Basic knowledge of following stitches required: chain(ch), double crochet (single crochet US terms)

With a 4mm hook and aran weight cotton


create a slip knot leaving a long tail, chain 26 to form foundation row


first row - *skip one chain, 1dc, 1ch* repeat from * to * until you reach end. You should now have 25 stitches

**for the next row you are going to be working in the spaces created by the chains from first row**


second row - turn work, *1dc, 1ch* in each chain space created in first row, repeat from * to * finish with a slip stitch into first dc from first row, fasten off with a long tail of yarn left

to finish sew in ends and knot through, check both 'tails' are of even length and trim if necessary.  Tie a knot near the end of each tail to stop the yarn from fraying.  Now all you need to do is stitch on your LOVE label.  I just used a basic whipstitch on two sides of the label as I quite like the 'rustic' look and it's held really well.  You may prefer other ways of attaching, and as long as it stays put then it's all good!

So how did it go?  I'd love your feedback and I'd also love to see your creations.  If you find any mistakes then please let me know

Happy LOVE bracelet making

Charlene xx

Saturday 20 September 2014

Sensitive and Proud

Isn't it funny how the smallest little things can trigger strong reactions, followed by a little bit of crochet to settle the mind and clear a few things up. This morning a friend shared a copy of her school report card in which it read that they were a little sensitive AND hopefully time will sort this out...... and I had a reaction - I felt angry, angry she had been portrayed as having something wrong and that well, if it wasn't sorted out soon then she'd be doomed (my words of course - good time to mention I'm sensitive). But what was really happening was this little voice inside of me was saying 'hey you know this and it still hurts' My school reports often told me that I was too quiet, over-sensitive and... wait for it..... I had an over active imagination - so I thought those all must be negative attributes because the were said in a negative manner, something was wrong that needed fixing, I was weak and maybe, yeh probably a bit pathetic. Wow what a load of negativity to deal with and don't forget, I am sensitive so just amplify it all by 100%
The thing is, there are all different types of people and we actually need all these different types for our survival - we really do - it is not a case of one type being more valuable to our society than the other, we are all important, and we are all needed to be as authentic to our true selves as can be. And we need to know that. It is important.  You just need to look at a classroom to see the diversity of characters - why on earth would we want them all to be the same, how boring for a start!! But more importantly to function as a community we need these different types to help us grow and evolve. 
For years I was ashamed of my sensitivity  I remember speaking to a doctor at a time when I suffered panic attacks and she asked me to write down 10 things I disliked about myself and guess what! Over sensitive was top of the list, followed by weak & pathetic.  As I grew older I became more aware of the usefulness of being sensitive, I was patient, a good listener, a good empathiser but I still didn't value it, it was more of a 'ugh it's too hard to change so try to look on the bright side' kind of thing. 
In the book Waking The Tiger by Peter Levine, he talks about studies of animal behaviour in herds and reminds us too that we are animals! He mentions in his book that whilst studying a group of animals grazing who are being approached by a predator they notice there are a couple of animals in that herd who sense the danger long before some of the more stronger leaders do, the couple stop feeding, they straighten up, their ears twitch, they are alert and they start to move, all of this alerts the rest of the herd who right up until this point are unaware and they all run for it!! Escaping the danger. So in this moment the sensitive one has become the leader in the community. Now I'm pretty sure when the chase is over they don't all sit around and say hey you need to stop being so sensitive  - NO - they would say hey, thank you for being sensitive, your sensitivity saved our lives, we value you just the way you are. 
I love that story, it was a huge turning point for me to think in these terms and accept that I'm as valuable as the one who is out there pushing forward, leading in a different way, a way that is unique and natural to them and valuable, it's just that it's different to my way. 
And really what it all comes down to is love, if you love yourself, you value yourself. It's about loving all of you, even those parts that feel difficult. Congratulate yourself on being such a valued member of our tribe! 

And if you have sensitive children around you, let them be sensitive and give them a hug, take them to open spaces, the seaside, the forest, the fields, whenever you can.  And if you've got any sensitive grown-ups around you then give them a hug too (seriously.... They give GREAT hugs) 

Just a wee footnote, I'm no expert I'm just talking and I'm still learning. There are some wonderful people out there and wonderful books who have dedicated years to their studies of subjects like this, if any of this resonates with you, know that you're wonderful and you're valued <3 

Charlene xx

Monday 1 September 2014

Random acts of AWESOMENESS yeh!

Ok so I'm sure you can tell I'm super excited just by the title! Yeh?

Some of you may be aware if you've followed my posts about my Random Acts of Crochet Kindness mission and although all appears quiet, I can assure you the wheel is turning and I'm super inspired after a recent 'coincidence' 

My daughter Robyn recently went to a music festival in Leeds armed with tent, sleeping bag and maybe a little alcohol (ahem...) and of course some LOVE bracelets!  

So here's what happened - she was compelled to give the first bracelet to a lovely girl she had only just met (all the way from Australia) called Bronte - no specific reason - all random - or is it??! 
So here's how it went;

Robyn 'em can I give you a present'
Bronte 'eh ok'
-Robyn gives bracelet to Bronte-
Bronte 'no way, NO WAY'
Robyn 'mm....' feeling wee bit confused
Bronte 'NO WAY!'
Robyn 'eh... yes way...' puzzled

So Robyn is now thinking oh this is not quite the reaction I was expecting, until, UNTIL the lovely Bronte only goes and explains that her mum and her friend (in Australia - yes I do get a bit excited about other parts of the world)  also make bracelets to share and spread love and light! Yeeha! So off Bronte goes to her tent and gives Robyn a beautiful set of beads for her wrist made from love to wear with love - happy days! Not only are Bronte and Robyn amazed and raised by this 'synchronicity' but now I have also connected with Brontes mum and friend too and they have now set up an fb page Random Acts of Beaded Kindness (go check it out and say hi) and the birds sang and the world lit up and there was laughter everywhere - ok I made that last part up - but - that's how it felt ;)

So here's some photos of the young festival going peace warriors who I'm sure will remember the exchange for a long long time and that's what it's all about - spreading the love, encouraging a smile and believing in the magic <3
Thank you to Robyn and Bronte for your photos and experience - you're both superstars!  I'm filled with gratitude <3

I recently came across a quote posted by Suitable Gifts that said 'Kindness is difficult to give away, because it keeps coming back' how very true...

Charlene x

Thursday 7 August 2014

Find yourSELF in Crochet

Just before coming on holiday I heard of a book entitled Crochet Saved My Life by Kathryn Vercillo. I knew instantly that I had to read this book with such a bold statement for it's title. I also knew before even starting the book that there would be words throughout that resonated with me and my own journey into crochet. I'm only half way through the book, which tells the stories of women who have crocheted themselves through depression, anxiety and grief, but already it has me thinking about my own relationship with this craft and the effect it has had on me. There are some studies and theory and science behind why needlecraft can be helpful and I'm not going to go into them all here, you can read the book for that, but what I can share is my own story and how I feel whilst crocheting. In the meantime though here's a link to a great wee clip by BrainCraft that tells the science bit in a nutshell

I'd like to say that my path into crochet was joyful and relaxing and all that but it wasn't. I'd also like to say that I'd always wanted to learn or was taught by a great grandmother or something but I didn't. I don't know why but I bought a book on a style of crochet called amigurumi on impulse, tried it, found it pretty difficult, had a huff, made something remotely recognisable and then stuffed the lot into the back of a cupboard where it stayed for a while.....

So not an instant hit then! A few years later my mum and I seen an advert for a series of Learn to Crochet magazines and spoke about signing up, turned out that she had crocheted years before and wanted to revisit. So we went for it. This time it just clicked, it was baby steps and we would sit around her kitchen table comparing our technique, difference in stitch gauge and pretty much help each other translate what we thought the text meant, often disagreeing! And often with very differing results! (I'm not going to tell you who faired better than the other!) But it was starting to feel like quite a fun thing to do and we were both enjoying seeing that piece of thread turn into something so tactile and colourful.  Sadly, a few months on my mum died suddenly from a sudden heart attack and to say my heart was ripped out is an understatement, there was a huge gaping hole and crochet was not about to fill it.  I cancelled my mums subscription first but after a month or so I just didn't want to continue so I cancelled mine too and focused on my kids, my work and just pretty much existing day to day, creating a new normal. I did occasionally get the hook out and play a little but never completed much. 

It wasn't until last year that crochet really, really made it's impact when my husband suffered a sudden heart attack - thankfully, so very very thankfully he survived it and is well. But it came completely out of the blue and knocked us all sideways and completely uncovered all the pain from my mums death that I had worked so hard at plastering over.  My mum was also the person I would turn to when there was any trauma or drama in my life and she wasn't there, so her loss was even more amplified. I kept focusing on all the positives - he was ok, he was in the right place at the right time, we had excellent care, he'd had successful procedures, we had lots of offers of help - but to be honest when everyone went to bed I would feel like EVERYTHING was falling to pieces, my life felt like it was falling to pieces.  It was then, that I found myself crochet hook in hand. 

Of course to begin with I was unaware of the impact crochet was having on my well being. I wasn't a stranger to meditation but at that time, although I knew it would be helpful, I just didn't want to do it, in fact there were lots of things that I knew would be helpful but I just couldn't face any of them or even think about them. I wanted to hide away, shut down, I didn't really want to have to talk to anyone outside my immediate little huddle. And that's the thing with crochet, you can do it whilst in hiding! So that's how crochet snuck under the radar. I told myself I'd use the time to crochet some Christmas presents, it felt purposeful but without any of the pressure. But what it was really doing was providing me with a kind of mindfulness meditation, the feel of the soft yarn, the hook in my hand, the tactileness of crochet was very grounding. The focus on a pattern or counting of stitches allowed my thoughts to settle as my mind gently quietened and my heart slowly opened. I can feel the love going into every twist and turn of my hands, infusing whatever I'm working on with love.  I would sit in silence and give myself permission to rest without even realising it. In fact I still do often sit in silence. I've never gotten into multi tasking much with a crochet hook in hand! 

I can't boldly say that crochet saved my life but I can absolutely say that crochet has impacted my life for the better in ways I would never have dreamed possible. And all the science aside I know what I felt, I couldn't change what had happened, my mum had died and my husband was unwell, crochet couldn't change that but it could give me some distraction which in turn gave my physical body and emotions a much needed rest so they were better able to process what was needed to process. It calms me like nothing else, it's not always instant but I am now fully aware of the moment (it's now usually as little as 5 minutes after hook in hand) that everything in the world feels like it will be ok, like the moment you look up into the night sky and see the massiveness of the star studded galaxy or stand in front of the ocean and sense the space that opens up in front of you, crochet does that for me. It's another tool in my box and I'm not afraid to use it! 

So I guess what I'm trying to share here is that if you're going through anything painful maybe crochet could be your thing to do when all else feels like it's falling apart. Maybe everything is good with you, learn anyway, pass it on, keep a few hooks and yarn pushed at the back of that cupboard - you just never know when crochet will call you into action. 

Of course I'm totally biased but it could be knitting or sewing or doodling or colouring in or tapestry or cross stitch - you get the picture........ 

As it approaches the anniversary of my mums death and that awful day I received the phone call from the hospital about my husband, I know everything is going to be ok, and for times when it's not, I have crochet. It grounds me, it calms me and it also connects me to my wonderful mum. 

I remember thinking once 'wow I really lose myself in crochet' when there was a wee voice inside piped up, 'no actually, you really find yourself in crochet' 

Now, I'm off to finish reading the book that prompted this post......

Charlene x

You can find out more about Kathryn and projects she's involved in at

Friday 4 July 2014

Little did I know...

I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time now and it just didn't happen.. So here I am supposed to be doing my tax return and packing and trundling to the post office and guess what?? I've decided now is the perfect time to start a blog..... why the sudden urgency? well do you like tax returns, seriously though I have just been blown away by how something so simple can stir so much feeling and conversation when it comes from the heart.  After a day of lovely folks sending messages and photographs through my Facebook page, once again I'm following my heart (despite being scared out my pants - once again) and firing out my first ever blog. 

So several weeks ago, or maybe it was months, or just feels like months..... I was watching  yet another inspirational video clip online, as you do, when there was mention of using a bracelet set up with the intention to remind yourself to be kind - kind to yourself, kind to others.

Now, I've been on my spiritual path for a few years now (consciously anyway) and I've probably heard this idea before but this time I REALLY heard it and I wanted one of those bracelet band thingys immediately!  I could have picked any one of my bracelets and just decide that it was going to have that purpose, but no, I wanted one whose soul purpose and creation was to be my little peace buddy in helping me to be kind and loving to ME!  So I turned to my crochet hook - and craft supplies - hooked up a band for my wrist and made a label with LOVE written on it, popped it on my wrist whilst feeling very pleased with myself.  It stayed there for 2 weeks, and it worked, it was like an anchor, I'd catch a glimpse and it would pull me back to the present moment.  My kids all wanted one too,  now I was feeling pretty very pleased with myself!

So I made some more and as timing would have it, it was right about the start of Mental Health Wellbeing week - as perfect a time as any to focus on self love reminders.  So I decided to give away 10 LOVE bracelets through my facebook page Pink & Green.  Although this was pretty scary as the old 'how will people judge me' and 'the bracelets are all rubbish anyway' thoughts were jumping around my head, the fact that it was Mental Health Awareness was taken as a sign by me to jump in anyway, so I did!

Now I'm a great believer in signs, always have been, and Angels too (although I did fall out with them for a while - sorry Angels) so now would be a good time to mention that whilst I crochet, I like to listen to audiobooks, one of my favourites being Loveability by Robert Holden.  I had also just recently discovered his lovely wife's blog Hollie Holden - Notes on Living & Loving, and well I was loving her writing, you know when you come across someone and it just feels like they are in your head, and that they can articulate what you feel in a way that you couldn't put into words, that's Hollie Holden for me! What I didn't know is that she too loved to crochet and what happened next had me jumping for joy and wanting to hide under the duvet all at the same time!  She entered my giveaway to win a LOVE bracelet - simple - yes - huge encouraging sign to me - YES!

Those first 10 bracelets I made to give away were met with such a wonderful response and sent all over the UK as well as heading to Europe and beyond, really beautiful things were said and my heart swelled.
The stories shared following them being received really touched me, from bringing a smile into an otherwise crappy day to being deeply meaningful to someone who has suffered depression for 10 years, everyone has a story, everyone, and I felt it.  This experience and connection with others has been such a wonderful reminder that things don't have to be complicated, love doesn't have to be complicated and we don't need to have a reason to love ourselves (oh and I did try to complicate the LOVE bracelet, playing around with snap fasteners and buttons and stamps and embroidery, but you know what? It just kept coming back to that very first one being perfectly imperfect, just like all of us).

The fact is that something like a thread of cotton wrapped around a crochet hook can create something made from love, to be worn with love, as a little reminder that we are love.  There is love for us all.

Shortly afterwards I decided to make the bracelets available to others, it seemed the right way to go forward.  They are available in two ways - number one - available through my Etsy shop, for those who have no inkling to crochet but would love one and some extra to share - number two - to provide a pattern (of sorts) available to those who would like to crochet one for themselves and those around them, a double whammy here as crochet in itself is good for the soul, a whole blog post for another time perhaps.  But of course I will continue to make them when I can to giveaway too.

If you'd like to see the pattern (of sorts!) then it is listed under the notes section of my facebook page  here and I would love to see any pictures or hear any stories that you would like to share.

I have also just created a page Random Acts of Crochet Kindness I have no idea where this is going just as I had no idea when I made that first bracelet, but maybe it will become a place for people to share how they felt when they made or received a LOVE band... or gave them away ... who knows!
Little did I know I'd start a blog about crochet and love.....

Charlene x